2021-2022 Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

SPAN 300 11 - Remembering the Dirty Wars in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay


In the 1970s the countries that make up the Southern Cone of the Americas (Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay) experienced military coups followed by dictatorial regimes that were extremely brutal in the persecution of their own citizens, giving rise to the term “dirty wars.” Today, over 40 years later, the societies of these countries are still affected by the events that transpired and continue to wrestle with how to remember and come to terms with the past. Both literature and film have played an important role in creating a collective memory of the events as well as shining a light on difficult questions about truth and remembrance, identity and responsibility, justice and reconciliation. In this course, we will study how writers and filmmakers have chosen to depict the traumatic events that occurred during the military dictatorships and their impact on society, both from the point of view of those who witnessed the events as well as the younger generations. Students will be encouraged to critically engage these questions and to discover their continued relevance in the world in which we live today.  Prerequisite: Any three of SPAN 226, 250, 310, or 350 or permission of instructor. (Group III) Diversity.