2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NUTR 200 4 - History and Science of Food Transformation Lecture: 1.0, Lab: .25
The words “processed foods” often elicit an immediate negative reaction. However, societies all over the globe have been established, expanded and enhanced by food processing. With nutrition trends of “clean eating” and “raw foodism” emerging, this course takes a look at the complexities, benefits and drawbacks of common food processing and transformation techniques used throughout history, such as drying, curing, fermenting, canning, and even cooling and freezing. Throughout the course, we will explore the history and significance of various food processing techniques, as well as the physical changes and characteristics of these.
All students enrolled in NUTR 200 4 are also required to take the corresponding Lab section. The lab will highlight the topics covered in class. Students will use transformation techniques discussed on common food ingredients and evaluate the effect these techniques have on flavor, texture, color, and structure. Fee: $100