Feb 13, 2025
2024-2025 Catalog
Chemistry Major (B.A.)
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Associate Professors Grunkemeyer, Pistner, Thomas
Assistant Professors Rudd, Tomcho
The B.A. Chemistry Major is designed for students who wish to obtain a chemistry background that is ancillary to another major or area of interest. This requires sufficient breadth and depth in chemistry while still providing flexibility in choice of courses in order to meet students’ needs and interests. This major is appropriate for students intending to pursue careers in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, secondary education, industrial sales, or other fields that require or benefit from a chemistry background. This major is not intended for students planning on pursuing graduate work in chemistry or a professional career as an industrial chemist.
Learning Objectives
The Chemistry Major seeks to provide students with experiences that enable them to: - Achieve a solid foundation in major areas of chemistry (Organic, Analytical, Physical, Inorganic and Biochemistry), such that they understand and can apply the fundamental laws and theories of chemistry in the various sub-disciplines and understand the central role of chemistry in the sciences.
- Understand the relationship between molecular properties and macroscopic behavior by providing them with the skill to use chemical and mathematical symbols and equations to represent the behavior of matter at the macroscopic, molecular and atomic levels.
- Exercise critical discernment of the key features of chemical problems and apply knowledge and judgement to solve such problems, including the design and execution of experiments and computations involving the synthesis of molecules and characterization of chemical properties and phenomena via experimental and computational techniques using modern instrumentation and computer technologies.
- Communicate effectively, including accessing and using major information sources of the discipline, conveying (orally and in writing) the results of scientific inquiry in a clear and professionally acceptable manner, and working cooperatively with others in team settings.
- Prepare for professional attainment.
Major Requirements
These courses are required: Note(s):
Recommendations. Students electing to do the B.A. Chemistry Major are encouraged to increase their curricular development by taking additional science courses, particularly if they wish to pursue graduate work in chemistry. In selecting those courses students should consult with their academic advisors and the chemistry faculty. When possible, chemistry majors are encouraged to complete courses such as CHEM 340 and CHEM 351 by the end of their junior years. This schedule will maximize the value of research experiences available both within and outside of the department. Students interested in graduate study in chemistry should demonstrate their mastery of the discipline by taking the chemistry (subject) test of the Graduate Record Examination by December of the senior year. |
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