Academic Advising
Corns 316, 740-368-3928
The Office of Academic Advising is an important resource for students throughout their time at Ohio Wesleyan University. While students work with faculty guides to do initial course registration during their Orientation experience, they are assigned an academic advisor who will support, assist and guide students with their selection of courses and choice of a major/minor.
Corns 316, 740-368-3925
The Sagan Academic Resource Center (Sagan ARC) is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Students may call (740) 368-3925 or stop by to set up appointments. You may also email for more information. Appointments are arranged on a first come, first served basis and are free of charge.
The Sagan ARC is staffed by professionals, interns, and student assistants. The facility contains the Lanni Library where students are encouraged to check out the Center’s extensive collection of handbooks, computer software, learning resource materials such as practice tests for the GRE, LSAT, and MCAT, helpful handouts, and sample models of resumes, cover letters and personal statements for graduate and professional schools. The Center also houses computer terminals, comfortable study stations, and private tutorial rooms. The Sagan ARC is made up of the following service centers:
The Writing Center offers feedback and guidance to all students on all types of writing assignments in any of their classes. We work with students throughout the writing process, from brainstorming ideas and getting started, to writing and revising drafts and polishing sentences and citations. In addition, we offer suggestions and advice on application essays for scholarships, grants, graduate schools, and other academic opportunities, as well as on resumes and cover letters.
The Writing Center also assists students with removing “U” notations from their transcripts. Any instructor in any class can assign a student a “U” notation along with the final course grade if the instructor thinks the student would benefit from ongoing support in writing. Students who receive “U”s work with a professional writing tutor in the Writing Center for one hour a week throughout the following semester. Usually, the student will work through the brainstorming-drafting-revising stages for three or four short writing assignments from that semester’s classes. When the student’s writing skills show improvement and the student has completed the tutoring program, the Registrar removes the “U” notation from the student’s transcript.
The Academic Skills Center (ASC) provides assistance in the areas of time management, study skills, note taking, test preparation, and test performance. The Center takes appointments Monday through Thursday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or at other times more convenient to the students by special appointment. The professionals in the ASC also offer group presentations for classes, athletic teams, fraternities or sororities, and other campus groups.
The Quantitative Skills Center (Q-Center) provides assistance to all students who have questions in their mathematics courses and in some science, psychology, and economic courses. The mathematics courses tutored by the Q-Center are Math 104, Math 105, Math 108, Math 110, Math 111, and Math 230. Students receive individual guidance through the problem solving process at a pace comfortable to them. Appointment tutoring and walk-in tutoring are both available. Practice for the math part of the GRE is available.
The Disability Services Center (DSC) is staffed by the Disability Service Coordinator who works with students with documented disabilities in order to provide equal access to the OWU academic environment. DSC serves students with any type of disability (e.g., learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, medical and/or mental health conditions) by recommending appropriate academic accommodations at the college level. The Disability Services Coordinator will refer students to available resources on campus and in the community. OWU is equipped to provide needed assistive technology to qualified students, including text-to-speech software, speech-to-text software, MS Word, MS Excel, and Read and Write Gold for testing purposes. DSC handles electronic text book requests for qualified students. Students are educated on their responsibilities for accessing disability related services on the college level. The Disability Services Coordinator is available to provide support and advocacy to students.
Corns Lower Level
The staff of Information Services serves as an information and technology catalyst for educational, personal, and professional growth in the Ohio Wesleyan University community. Information Services and the University Communications are happy to offer mobile applications for the OWU community.
BishopApps is OWU’s online application suite powered by Google Apps. BishopApps provides students with web-based email (BishopMail), calendars, office applications (documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, and drawings), personal web pages, Blogger, Google Photos, Picasa, YouTube, and much more. The username and password for BishopApps is the same username and password you’ll use to sign in to BishopNet wireless network, OWU Self-Service, Blackboard, OWU Wikis, and many other services.
Beeghly Library Contact Information
Main Desk: 740-368-3225
We have two libraries on campus.
- Beeghly Library is the main library, open the most hours, and located across from the Hamilton Williams Campus Center.
- Hobson Science Library is located on the academic side of campus in the north building of the Shimmel/Conrades Science Center.
OWU Connection Programs/International and Off Campus Programs
HWCC 214, 740-368-3070 & Merrick Hall, 740-368-3075
OWU Connection Programs / International and Off Campus Programs (IOCP) is responsible for supporting, promoting and/or administering the following:
- international off-campus programs and educational exchanges
- domestic off-campus for-credit educational programs
- the application process for study abroad and domestic off-campus programs
- regulations of the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- international and US global nomad students
- the Theory-to-Practice Grant Program
- the SIP Grant Program
- Travel Learning Course Program
- enrolled international and US global nomad students
- those participating in off-campus programs
- the internationalization of the campus
- programs which aid international students with their adjustment to the campus and Delaware community and in meeting their educational and personal goals (from Orientation through Commencement)
University Hall 007, 740-368-3200
The Registrar’s Office is the repository for all academic records at the University. The student’s home address, class registration, grades, and final transcripts are maintained in this office. The Registrar’s staff also coordinates applications for reinstatement, requests for withdrawal and leave of absence, evaluation of transfer credits, veteran’s benefits, and certification of degree requirements.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (The “Buckley Amendment”) (FERPA)
A summary is given below of a student’s rights in connection with educational records maintained at Ohio Wesleyan University. Questions and requests for greater detail should be addressed to the Registrar.
- Students have access rights to the records maintained about them during their enrollment. Records may, in certain circumstances, be released to parents and foreign government agencies supporting dependent students.
- “Dependent” means being listed as such on the parents’ annual federal income tax return, or (in the case of foreign students) receiving at least 50 percent or more of their support from parents or foreign government agencies.
- Students who are independent of their parents may file an annual statement to this effect on a form available in the Registrar’s Office.
- Non-immigrant foreign students have to agree to give the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to certain information.
Slocum Hall, 740-368-3020
The Office of Admission recruits and admits first year and transfer students to the University. Many on-campus recruiting events including day-only open house programs, overnight visitations and programs featuring particular majors are sponsored by the office throughout the year. Student-guided tours and information sessions with admission counselors are offered at regular intervals each day. Visits may also include meeting with a professor and/or coach, attending a class, or even staying overnight in a residence hall.
Mowry 1st Floor, 740-368-3325
The Alumni Relations Office supports opportunities for Ohio Wesleyan Alumni to connect and engage with other OWU Alumni, the campus, faculty, staff, administration and current students. Signature events coordinated by Alumni Relations include Homecoming & Family Weekend, Reunion Weekend, Affinity Group Events and Regional Alumni Events in targeted cities. The staff also works closely with the Senior Class as they are transitioning into their role as OWU Alumni.
Simpson Querrey Fitness Center and Edwards Gym, 740-368-3725
The Athletic Department encompasses support for Varsity Athletics, the coaching staff, and athletic facilities management. OWU is a Division III school and we compete with institutions such as Denison, Wittenberg, Oberlin, Wooster, Otterbein, Kenyon, Wabash, Hiram, and Allegheny.
The central office is located in the Simpson Querrey and Edwards Gymnasium building, but various coaches/athletics staff can be found in a number of the athletic facilities. Below is a list of all varsity sports and athletic facilities at OWU:
Fitness and Recreation Facilities are designed to serve active students, faculty and staff as they strive to make good lifestyle decisions and to provide opportunities to develop and enhance personal wellness and health. The facilities are open for use by current students, faculty, and staff and faculty/staff family members. Current OWU ID’s are required to enter all of the Athletic Fitness facilities. A limited number of memberships (University Athletic Club) will be available for purchase to OWU alumni and Delaware community members.
Slocum Hall 246, 740-368-3050
The Financial Aid Office assists students receiving Title IV financial aid in planning for their financial need throughout the year. The types of financial aid that is available along with policies and procedures can be found online.
The Chaplain’s Office
HWCC 308, 740-368-3083
Christian-based and interfaith-laced, the University Chaplaincy at Ohio Wesleyan University is “a good place to find yourself.” We provide many different opportunities to meet both individual and group religious needs, as well as help you explore your life calling and develop your moral leadership for service anywhere in the world. Call us at 740-368-3083, email us at, or stop by anytime to chat with us on the third and fourth floors of the Hamilton-Williams Campus Center. We will do everything we can to meet your need.
The Division of Student Engagement and Success is made up of eleven departments/units that provide support services, resources, and engagement opportunities to students in order to enrich and advance learning in their collegiate journey
Kirsta Cobb
Associate Athletics Director
Senior Woman Administrator
Edward Gymnasium Room 109
Student Conduct
Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Ohio Wesleyan University
HWCC Room 225
Delaware, OH 43015
Accounting Office /Cashier
University Hall 018, 740-368-3366
Students will visit the Accounting Office to pick up club/organization related checks or for reimbursement from Campus related out of pocket expenditures.
Bursar’s Office
University Hall 012, 740-368-3362 or 3369
The Bursar’s Office handles questions concerning student accounts. Examples of student account related topics are listed below:
- Explanation/clarification of charges and credits/payments
- Current balance due
- Payroll deductions to pay a student account
- Student health insurance coverage
- Pick up a student account refund check
- Place a deposit on their OWU-card accounts
- Make a payment by cash or check for tuition, fines and traffic citations
Corns Lower Level, 740-368-3120
Cable TV service is activated in every dorm room, SLU, and Fraternity* when you arrive on campus. You may obtain a cable for hookup from the outlet to your television. These cables are available from most department stores. If you would like the University to provide the cable from the outlet to your TV, please email the Help Desk at These will be provided at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students living on campus are required to participate in a University meal plan. There are three meal plans offered. Students currently enrolled will select a meal plan for the next academic year when they complete their housing application.
Corns 110, 740-368-3451
Your OWU card is your official University ID and should be carried with you at all times. Many departments use the OWU Card as a means to grant access to their services.
University uses for OWU Card:
- Access card to all residence halls, fraternity houses (locked 24/7) and various academic buildings
- Meal Plan Card (with Off-Campus Dining Points feature)
- Official Library Card
- Access to events and activities
- Strand Theatre (for discount)
- Copies made in the Library only (copier points given to each student)
- Debit Card Feature (if deposit is made onto card) which can be used for the following:
- Bookstore Purchases
- OWU Print Services