2022-2023 Faculty Handbook 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Faculty Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

VI. Benefits, Leaves, and Professional Support Programs

A. Pension and Insurance Benefits C. Assistance With Travel and Other Professional Expenses

B. Tuition and Room Benefits

D. Faculty Leaves

A. Pension and Insurance Benefits

Members of the full-time faculty and administrative staff participate in a number of insurance and retirement programs. The detailed policies are on file in the office of the Vice President for Business Affairs. Summaries of the plans are available on file in the Personnel Office and are distributed to the Faculty and administrative staff whenever changes are made in any of the plans.

1. Brief Descriptions of the Plans

  1. Retirement. Ohio Wesleyan University’s base plan contributes 10% of each participant’s regular monthly salary to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF) or other institutionally approved plans for the purchase of retirement benefits. (See 2 below for details.)

  2. Life Insurance. Full-time faculty members and administrative staff are eligible for the University’s life insurance program. The University assumes the premium costs for a life insurance plan that provides the employee’s beneficiary an amount equal to two times the basic annual salary rounded upward to the next highest $1,000. The maximum benefit is $75,000.

  3. Medical Expense Coverage. The University pays for the medical coverage for all full-time faculty and Administrative Staff. Dependent coverage is optional. The employees requiring dependent coverage pay for the cost of the coverage.

  4. Long-Term Disability Insurance. This program applies to regular full-time faculty members and members of the administrative staff at work the first of the month following six months of service. The University pays the full cost of the disability benefits. (See 3 below for details.)

  5. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy. Every employee of Ohio Wesleyan is covered by the University for an amount equal to their annual salary rounded up to the next $1,000 in the event of death or dismemberment as a result of an accident. All employees are eligible for additional coverage in multiples of $10,000 through the payroll deduction plan. Eligible family members may also be enrolled. Arrangements for additional or family coverage can be made through the Personnel Office, where details of the policy are on file.

2. Retirement Contributions

  1. General features of plan.
    1. The participant may elect to apply Ohio Wesleyan’s base contribution of 10% to any or all of the funds offered by TIAA-CREF or to other Ohio Wesleyan University approved plans. Persons beginning their service after July 1, 2004 will not be eligible to receive Ohio Wesleyan University’s base contribution until they have completed two years of service.  A year of service shall include either: (1) completion   of 12 months of employment at Ohio Wesleyan; or (2) completion  of 975 or more hours of service at another accredited college or university during which time the employee was a participant in a qualified retirement plan as described in section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.

      Faculty members born on or before December 31, 1957 and, in most instances, who have completed at least 15 years of service with the University are grandfathered under the practice in effect prior to July 1, 2012 (see Chapter III, Section U ).

      In addition to the base plan:

      All faculty members contracted before July 1, 2012 and born between January 1, 1958 and December 31, 1961, inclusive, will receive an additional 3% over the base contribution to TIAA-CREF or to other Ohio Wesleyan University approved plans.  These employees will remain eligible to individually negotiate deferred compensation arrangement with the Provost at the time of their retirement.

      All faculty members contracted before July 1, 2012 and born between January 1, 1962 and December 31, 1967, inclusive, will receive an additional 3% over the base contribution to TIAA-CREF or to other Ohio Wesleyan University approved plans. These employees will not be eligible for any lump sum severance benefit at the time of their retirement.

      All faculty members contracted before July 1, 2012 and born between January 1, 1968 and December 31, 1976, inclusive, will receive an additional 2% over the base contribution to TIAA-CREF or to other Ohio Wesleyan University approved plans. These employees will not be eligible for any lump sum severance benefit at the time of their retirement.

      All faculty members born on or after January 1, 1977, and all new faculty members contracted after July 1, 2012 will receive an additional 1% over the base contribution to TIAA-CREF or to other Ohio Wesleyan University approved plans. These employees will not be eligible for any lump sum severance benefit at the time of their retirement.
    2. The participant makes an initial determination as to which funds to participate in and the percentage allocation to each fund. Subsequent changes in funds or percentage allocation between and among the various funds are made by the participant in direct discussion with TIAA-CREF.
    3. In addition to the base plan, Ohio Wesleyan University offers an optional matching plan for those who wish to increase the contributions to their annuity beyond the base plan. If the participant elects to contribute additional funds through payroll deductions to his or her regular annuity or to his or her supplemental retirement annuity (SRA), the institution will match one for one that contribution up to 1½% and apply that amount to the individual’s regular annuity. The maximum allowable combined contribution by the institution and participant including any voluntary contributions to an SRA cannot exceed the limitations defined in IRC section 403 (b).

      Employees with less than 2 years of service and who are not eligible for the institution’s base plan may elect to contribute a portion of their salary to an institutionally approved annuity plan. If the individual contributes at least 5% to any approved plan, the institution will match that contribution with a 5% contribution to the individual’s base annuity plan.

      The participant may authorize up to three changes in his or her payroll deductions during any calendar year for the purpose of making additional payments to his or her base or supplemental annuity plan.
    4. A member of the Faculty or Administrative Staff who is less than 40 years of age as of July 1 and has at least 2 years of service at Ohio Wesleyan may elect to receive a portion of the 10% base benefit as cash in lieu of annuity according to the following schedule (4a). Employees in receipt of cash in lieu of annuity will not be eligible for the institutional matching contributions described in 2A.3. 
      1. Prior to July 1 Age To Annuity To Individual
        Age 36 or less 5% 5%
        Age 37 6% 4%
        Age 38 7% 3%
        Age 39 8% 2%
        Age 40 10% 0%
      2. Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff who began their service prior to July 1, 1997 and who are less than 40 as of July 1 may receive cash-in-lieu-of-annuity benefits according to the same percent that they were eligible for under their former plan, subject to the 10% limitation.
      3. Transferability. Participants in TIAA-CREF may transfer CREF monies invested in TIAA-CREF to other retirement funds approved by Ohio Wesleyan. Participants may also transfer monies into TIAA-CREF from other retirement funds approved by Ohio Wesleyan.
      4. Cashability. Upon retirement, termination, permanent disability or anticipation of death, a participant may elect to receive a “lump sum” distribution from his/her CREF funds, or take the monies as an annuity. These monies may be received directly by the participant or “rolled over” into an IRA, another Ohio Wesleyan carrier. A participant choosing this option is subject to all Federal rules regarding taxability and penalty fees.
  2. Leave of Absence.  During leave of absence with pay, the University will contribute 10% of the adjusted contract salary.
  3. Contracts. Each TIAA retirement annuity contract and CREF certificate issued is for the sole purpose of providing a retirement and/or death benefit and is the property of the individual participant.
  4. Repurchase. In the event a participant in TIAA or TIAACREF leaves the employ of Ohio Wesleyan University for reasons other than retirement or disability and requests repurchase of his/her annuity, Ohio Wesleyan University will approve such repurchase, provided it meets the conditions as outlined in the TIAACREF contract.
  5. Amendment. While it is expected that this plan will continue indefinitely, Ohio Wesleyan University reserves the right to reexamine these provisions at any time with the appropriate faculty committee.

3. Long-Term Disability Insurance​

  1. Eligibility. During the first six months of disability, the University continues to pay the individual’s full salary and to contribute to the individual’s existing annuity plan. If the disability is total and continues beyond six months, long-term disability coverage begins as described below. Through this program, each participant is assured of replacement of a substantial part of his/her income in the event of such disability.

    On the first day of the month following six consecutive months of total disability, the plan benefits begin and continue during such disability until at least age 65 or until the death of the disabled person. The six months’ period includes disabilities during the summer and other specified absences from the campus.

    Therefore, any faculty member qualifying for long-term disability will have received, prior to the start of benefits, six months’ full salary payment from the University, each payment being equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of his or her annual contractual salary.
  2. Monthly Income Benefit. The monthly income benefit will be the combination of (1) and (2):
    1. 60% of the Monthly Salary Base at the commencement of the period of continuous total disability; but will not be more than $6000. The monthly income benefit will never be less than $100. A yearly cost of living adjustment of 3% will be added to each benefit payment after the first anniversary of benefit payments. No more than 10 yearly adjustments will be made during your benefit period.
    2. minus any other disability or Social Security benefits which the employee is eligible for each month in which the monthly income benefit is payable.
  3. Monthly Annuity Payments. During the period of continuous total disability the University or its agent will continue to make payments to the individual’s regular annuity (retirement) contract in accordance with those amounts established by the University and the participant prior to the disability. These payments will continue during the period of eligibility for the Long Term Disability Plan which is defined until the disabled person reaches the age of 65 (but not less than 12 months for employees who become disabled after the age of 65) or death, whichever comes first. During this period of eligible disability the employee may elect to change or terminate any optional contributions that the employee is making without impacting the amount paid by the University to the employee’s annuity contract.
  4. Exception. Faculty members on “Visiting” status (specifically those who are replacing a regular faculty member or are employed on a definite one-year basis) will not be included in the institution’s disability or annuity plans, and will not have salary continuation for illness or accident beyond the term in which absence from duty began for such cause.

    Interns and Fellows will not have salary continuation, disability, or annuity coverage.

    Faculty and Administrative members who are on formal leave from the University will be covered by the disability policy with a limit of two years. Reentry on a full-time basis after two years will again establish eligibility, and the usual one-year waiting period will not be required.

    Persons on part-time appointment (less than a full year here with full-time load) are not covered by the disability plan. The University will provide salary continuation for the remainder of the semester in which such person is disabled and unable to continue work, but will not continue salary beyond that semester even though the part-time contract may have specified appointment for more than one semester of the academic year.

B. Tuition and Room Benefits

1. Attendance at Ohio Wesleyan

Children and spouses of full-time faculty members and administrative staff of the University are eligible for a full tuition scholarship at Ohio Wesleyan University. Beginning February 1, 1993, new employees gain eligibility for the benefits described in this section only after completing two consecutive years of full-time employment at Ohio Wesleyan. Upon petition, the two year requirement may be waived by approval of the University Officers for personnel who were participants in a comparable tuition waiver program with their previous employer. (Note: the general college fee is sometimes incorrectly assumed to be tuition. It includes tuition fees. The faculty member or administrative staff bears the cost of the incidental fees.)

Residence hall space for four semesters will be given to those children of full-time faculty members and administrative staff who elect to attend Ohio Wesleyan University. As long as projected fall semester occupancy rates are below 95%, eligible students will be able to be assigned to a free room at the same time and through the same procedures as all other students. Should projected occupancy rates for fall semester be at 95% or higher, free rooms will be provided only where available space is identified after the beginning of the semester. All resident students must be on the food service program.

When projected occupancy is 95% or higher, children of full-time faculty members and administrative staff may assure themselves of space in University housing by paying for the first semester of occupancy. There will be no charge for space for the following semester of the academic year.

The University is to be reimbursed for any direct cash outlay. This shall include the amount of reimbursement to a fraternity house that is on the Real Estate Management Program.

2. Attendance at Another Institution

A tuition exchange program has been established by the GLCA which allows eligible persons to attend other colleges including those within the GLCA consortium on a reduced tuition fee basis. Details about this program are available in the Accounting Office. Eligibility is the same as that for the on-campus benefit. Children of full-time faculty members and administrative officers employed at Ohio Wesleyan University before September 1973, also will be given a $1,000 per year scholarship for attendance of a college elsewhere.  This scholarship is limited to the equivalent of four academic years of undergraduate education.  Children of faculty members and administrative officers employed after September 1973, are not eligible for this $1,000 yearly scholarship.

3. Continuation of Tuition Benefits

In the event of the death of a faculty member or administrative officer, tuition scholarships will continue for the spouse and the children with the following limitations on the children:

  1. They will continue for the children until the children have reached age 23.

  2. Unless the children are already in attendance at another institution at the time of the death of the faculty member or administrative officer, the tuition benefit will be provided only at Ohio Wesleyan. Children already in attendance at another institution will have their tuition exchange continued until graduation.  All scholarships in this paragraph are subject to the limitations of Section a, above.

C. Assistance With Travel and Other Professional Expenses

1. Faculty Travel

Professional development activities by faculty members may appropriately involve travel. This includes such travel as to conventions and conferences, to libraries or other resources not available locally, and to sites where the faculty member will work during a paid leave. The University makes available to each full-time faculty member a travel allowance in each fiscal year to assist with expenses for major travel for purposes of professional development. Major travel is defined as travel to points more than 100 miles from Delaware, except that travel to conventions and conferences is included without distance limit. Legitimate expenses for such travel include transportation costs up to the amount of air coach fare; associated meals and lodging; and conference registration fees.

Travel advances and reimbursements are secured from the University Cashier. Reserved to the Cashier is the right to refer cases to the Provost when in doubt about whether the travel is supportable under this policy. A Travel Fund Report Form must be completed and taken to the Cashier within 10 days of return from a trip.

2. Manuscript Preparation

A modest sum of money is available to assist full-time faculty members with the preparation of final manuscripts of scholarly work. (Ordinarily costs for typing of speeches, notes, or informal papers should not be submitted, since the intent is to assist with preparation for publication.)

A faculty member who has financial assistance from the University for typing, publication, or other costs, and who receives remuneration from sale or royalties for the work, is expected to repay the University.

3. Out-of-Pocket Costs

A modest sum of money is available for assistance with out-of-pocket costs of faculty research or creative projects (such as materials, microfilming, publication, postage, etc.). Proposals submitted to the Provost will be received at any time as long as money in this category is available. Ordinarily, the amounts of grants will be limited.

A faculty member who has financial assistance from the University in this category, and who received remuneration from sale or royalties in connection with the work done, is expected to repay the University.

4. Doctoral Tuition Costs

A modest sum of money is available to assist faculty members on regular full-time appointment with tuition costs for doctoral study. Maxima by quarter or semester, and per degree, will be set. Assistance will be granted in order of application to the Provost (since advance planning is often difficult) up to the budget limit.

D. Faculty Leaves

1. Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty

  1. Members of the faculty with a full-time regular appointment who have not attained permanent tenure are eligible for a one-semester leave with pay in their fourth year following a successful retention review in their third year.

  2. The course load for an untenured faculty member during a year with a Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty should be no less than three (3), except where adjustments must be made for department chairpersons or for other special duties.

  3. The recipient of a Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty shall not accept full-time employment elsewhere.

  4. Each faculty member shall submit a complete report of the leave-semester activity within the first five (5) weeks of the following semester to the Faculty Personnel Committee. This report will be considered in the next review of the faculty member.

  5. A Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time faculty may not be taken by a faculty member with a terminal contract.

  6. Tenured members of the faculty who have not received a Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty are eligible for a one-semester leave with pay (Regular Paid Leave for Tenured Full-Time Faculty) after they have served with the University for a period of six years as a full-time faculty member.

2. Regular Paid Leaves for Tenured Full-Time Faculty

  1. Tenured members of the full-time faculty are eligible for a one-semester leave with pay in the sixth year following their previous Regular Paid Leave for Tenured Full-Time Faculty or Pre-Tenure Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty 

  2. A tenured faculty member in his/her last regular year of service is eligible for a Regular Paid Leave for Full-Time Faculty during the first semester only.

  3. Department chairpersons should submit an approximate six-year plan of leaves to the Faculty Personnel Committee by January 15 of the year preceding a six-year cycle. The plan should spread leaves over the two semesters of the academic year so as to provide approximately an equal number of courses in each semester.

  4. The course load for a faculty member during a leave year should be no less than three (3), except where adjustments must be made for department chairpersons or for other special duties. Course adjustments should seek to minimize the impact on course options for students.

  5. A recipient shall not accept full-time employment elsewhere.

  6. Each faculty member shall submit a complete report of the leave-semester activity – within the first five (5) weeks of the following semester to the Faculty Personnel Committee. This report will be considered in the biennial review of the faculty member. Faculty will be ineligible for a subsequent Regular Paid Leave until a report of the leave semester is submitted to the Faculty Personnel Committee.

3. Special Released Time for Scholarly Production

  1. In preparation of the University budget certain monies shall be set aside in a special account for the express purpose of encouraging faculty members with recognized expertise to enter into grant-supported research or outstanding creative endeavors requiring rigorous commitments. These funds shall be adequate to replace one faculty member per year for one semester paid leave. The funds shall provide a replacement up to the average salary level of a full professor, should this be necessary;

  2. The total remuneration during any semester for which reduced load is granted, or during any semester for which special leave is granted, shall not exceed the regular salary of the grantee;

  3. Support under this program shall be reserved for major and unique projects and shall meet the following criteria;

    1. normally, consideration will be given to those who have invested at least two years in their projects;

    2. the project must hold promise for significant contribution to the University Community;

    3. the project must entail commitment to responsibilities, duties, time schedules or other obligations which cannot be accommodated within the framework of our regular leave program.

  4. Application for support shall be made jointly by the faculty member and the department chairperson who will submit to the Provost a statement indicating the special nature of the proposed activity, the unique conditions requiring special leave, and a plan setting for the time span for which the request is made as well as a proposal for coverage of teaching and other responsibilities;

  5. This program shall be administered by the Provost in consultation with Faculty Personnel Committee. It shall be understood that applicants holding grants will not seek paid leave in violation of the conditions of their grants.

4. Retraining Leaves

Upon application, full-time faculty members may be granted up to one year of paid leave to undergo professional retraining to equip them to take on new assignments which contribute to, or are the result of, reduction in faculty positions. The Provost, in consultation with the affected department(s), shall recommend such leaves to the Faculty Personnel Committee, which Committee shall consult as necessary with the Academic Policy Committee and forward its recommendation to the President for action. The retraining permitted by such leaves shall be counted in faculty personnel evaluations as enhancement of the individual’s expertise and credited under teaching, professional development, and/or service as appropriate and agreed at the time the leave is granted.

5. Leaves Without Pay

The University recognizes that under some circumstances, extended faculty leaves can benefit both the individual faculty member and the institution.  Requests for leaves without pay for a period of one, two, or three years shall be made to the Provost, who shall then consult with the affected department(s) and make a recommendation to the Faculty Personnel Committee which shall rule on the request. In its deliberations, the committee will consider the costs and benefits of the leave to the University, including both tangible and intangible consequences.

Leaves without pay may be for a period up to three years but generally will be for shorter periods. They may involve gainful employment in the academic world or elsewhere, retraining, or professional development. During the leave, the faculty member will continue to accrue step increases to base salary and accumulate service toward promotion if the leave activities have been approved in advance by the Faculty Personnel Committee as bona fide professional development. Time toward tenure will not accrue. Tuition, life insurance, and health insurance benefits will be provided by the University as usual unless they are provided to the faculty member by another employer.

Application for leave must be submitted eight months prior to the beginning of the leave. Faculty members on leave for a year or more must notify the Provost at least eleven months prior to the beginning of the semester of scheduled return from leave as to whether or not they are returning.  The Provost will provide a reminder of that obligation and notice of the impending deadline thirty (30) days prior to the deadline.  Failure to respond by the deadline will be treated as a resignation from the faculty effective at the end of the contract period.  The position occupied by the faculty member will be considered vacated immediately. Although that resignation will serve to vacate the position immediately, the faculty member will continue to receive, until the end of the contract year, the same tuition, life insurance, and health insurance benefits as described above (unless they are being provided to the faculty member by another employer).

6. Personal Leaves

  1. Pregnancy

    A full-time faculty member who is pregnant is entitled to a leave with full pay equivalent to a three-course load reduction, to be distributed as she wishes.  If this leave does not meet the needs of the faculty member, she may explore alternatives with the Provost and department chair.

  2. Family or Exceptional Circumstances

    A full-time faculty member who requires a leave, or reduced teaching load because of illness in the family or household, or parenting obligations, or personal health reasons may apply to the Provost.  During such a leave, if granted, the faculty member will continue to accrue step increases to base salary and accumulate service toward promotion.  Time toward tenure will not accrue.  Tuition, life insurance, and health insurance benefits will be provided by the University as usual unless they are provided to the faculty member by another employer.

  3. Short-term Emergency

    The University is committed to supporting Faculty who face short-term emergencies, such as new fatherhood, the adoption of a child, or a serious illness or death in the family or household. Faculty members needing to take time off for emergencies should inform the Provost and department chair of their situation.