2018-2019 Catalog 
    Jan 22, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Key to Abbreviations

ACCT Accounting HIST History
ACTV Activity HONS Honors Courses
AMRS Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies INT Interdisciplinary
ART Fine Arts ITAL Italian
ASTR Astronomy JAPN Japanese
BIOL Biology JOUR Journalism
BOMI Botany/Microbiology LAS Latin American Studies
BUS Business Administration LATI Latin
Black World Studies MATH Mathematics
CHEM Chemistry MES Middle Eastern Studies
CHIN Chinese MUS Music
CLAS Classics MUSP Music Performance
CMLT Comparative Literature NEUR Neuroscience
COMM Communications PG Politics and Government
CS Computer Science PHIL Philosophy
DANC Dance PHYS Physics
DATA Data Analytics PSYC Psychology
ECON Economics REL Religion
EDUC Education RUSS Russian
ENG English SOAN Sociology/Anthropology
ENVS Environment & Sustainability SPAN Spanish
FREN French SWAH Swahili
GEOG Geography THEA Theatre
GEOL Geology UC University Courses
GERM German URB Urban Studies
GREE Greek WGS Women’s/Gender Studies
HHK Health & Human Kinetics ZOOL Zoology

To aid students in long-range planning, the letters F for fall semester and S for spring semester have been placed after selected course descriptions. All courses carry one unit of academic credit unless otherwise indicated.

Course Selection

Freshmen and sophomores should enroll in courses numbered 100 through 249, but may be permitted to take courses numbered above 250 with the relevant department’s permission. Juniors and seniors should enroll in courses numbered above 250, but may be permitted to take courses numbered below 250 if (a) it is necessary for the major; (b) it is a second (third, etc.) foreign language; (c) it is an elective in the area of science or mathematics where the student does not have the prerequisites for advanced course work; or (d) there is sufficient space in the class after the registration of freshmen and sophomores.


Middle Eastern Studies
