Mar 12, 2025
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CLAS 251 - Women in Antiquity This Classics course may focus on the lives of women (both mortal and immortal) in ancient Greece and Rome, with special consideration of the surviving literary and historical evidence. The women of imperial Rome (especially of the Julio-Claudian dynasty): Livia, Antonia Augusta, Agrippina the Younger and Elder, and Messalina, may provide a particular focus; depictions of women in tragic poetry (especially of Sophocles and Euripides), as well as epic (especially Virgil’s Dido and Camilla), lyric (Sappho and Horace), and elegiac verse (especially Propertius and Ovid) may also provide a suitable direction for inquiry. Readings in primary sources in translation will be supplemented by secondary works that explore depictions of the feminine in ancient Greek and Roman authors. (Group III)