Requirements for All Degrees
Academic Requirement Checklist
Ohio Wesleyan students may study for any of the degrees offered by the University: the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Science.
Ohio Wesleyan’s General Education requirements fulfill many of the objectives as outlined in the University’s Statement of Aims . In particular, the requirements for all degrees are designed to enhance students’ abilities in critical thinking, writing, and quantitative analysis and to assure exposure to diverse cultures. The University’s distribution requirements are designed to impart knowledge and insight in the areas of the humanities, arts, and social and natural sciences. Students earning a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree are expected to exhibit competency in a foreign language. The following are required for any degree:
Thirty-Four Units
Thirty-four units of passing work. Only courses in which a passing grade (D- or better) has been received may be counted toward the 34 graduation units.
Grade Average
A 2.0 cumulative grade point average and at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in your major. Some departments require a higher GPA - please consult the specific department for more information.
Full-Time Enrollment
Full-time enrollment in the junior and senior years at Ohio Wesleyan or on an approved off-campus study program (see Residence Requirement ).
Competency in English
To be certified as competent in English composition, students must demonstrate the ability to write logically structured, clear, and mechanically accurate expository essays and resource papers. This may be done in one of two ways:
- Standardized Testing. Distinguished performance on one of the following standardized tests of verbal aptitude and skills will result in exemption from the English composition requirement:
- Any student receiving a composite grade of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Examination in English Literature and Composition will be exempted from ENG 105 and will receive one unit of credit for an English literature course. Students receiving a score of 4 or 5 on the English Language and Composition exam will be exempted from and receive credit for ENG 105 . Students receiving scores of 4 or 5 on both AP exams in English will be exempted from ENG 105 and will receive one unit of credit for ENG 105 and one unit of credit for an English literature course. The literature credit received will not substitute for ENG 150 .
- A score of 710 or higher on the “old” SAT Critical Reading test or A score of 37 on the “new” SAT “Reading” test
- A score of 710 or higher on the SAT-II subject test in writing or English composition, of the College Entrance Examination Board.
- A score of 30 or higher on the ACT sub-test in English.
- Course Completion. Students not exempted by reason of their test scores (see A. above) will demonstrate competence by achieving a grade of C- or better in ENG 105 , which may not be taken credit/no entry. The English composition requirement normally must be completed by the end of the student’s second semester at Ohio Wesleyan.
Competency in Writing Across the Curriculum
To be certified as competent in writing across the disciplines, students must complete three writing-intensive courses (each worth at least .50 units of credit), normally one each during the sophomore, junior, and senior years, after completion of the English Competency requirement.
To earn a Writing Requirement or Writing Option, the student should produce 4,000 words (15 pages) of writing, either as one major paper or two or more smaller papers. Normally several drafts are produced, with substantial advice from the instructor at each stage. Such advice may occur in conference with, as well as editorial comment by, the professor. Sometimes students are referred to the Writing Center for more intensive help with revisions.
Students who are exempt from the English Competency requirement on the basis of standardized test scores may take writing courses in their first year. Students will receive the Writing Requirement Dual Requirement or Writing Option Dual Requirement notation on their transcripts for all courses in which they successfully complete the Writing Requirement and pass the course.
Cultural Diversity Requirement
All students at Ohio Wesleyan must complete one unit course with a substantial focus on non-Euro-American topics. Such courses will deal with the peoples and cultures of Africa, Asia (including the Middle East), Latin America, Native North America (Amerindians), and Oceania or with American ethnic minorities who trace their ancestry to one of these regions. Students will receive the Diversity Dual Requirement notation on their transcripts upon successful completion of a Cultural Diversity course.
Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
All students at Ohio Wesleyan University must complete one unit course with a substantial focus on quantitative methods. Such courses will require students to strengthen analytical reasoning skills based on the use of arithmetical, algebraic, geometric, statistical, logical, and/or algorithmic methods to solve problems. Courses satisfying this requirement emphasize quantitative ways of thinking over rote memorization and the mechanical use of equations. Such courses are designated in the Courses of Instruction . It is acceptable for a course to meet both the quantitative reasoning requirement and another requirement. For example, a “Q” course also could be used in a student’s major or as a distribution requirement. Successful completion of a “Q” course will result in a Quantitative Dual Requirement notation on the student’s transcript.
UC 160: The OWU Experience
All first-year students are required to complete this .25 unit introduction to the ethos of a liberal arts education, their new intellectual community, and the opportunities offered at Ohio Wesleyan.
Proficiency in Writing (The “U” Notation)
Any instructor in the University may submit, in addition to the regular grade in any course for any student, an unsatisfactory in writing (“U”) notation, regardless of the final grade, including courses taken credit/no entry, even though credit may not have been earned and the course not entered on the record. Students who receive a “U” notation in any course are required to work with a Writing Center instructor on their writing skills in the following semester. All “U” notations will be erased from the student’s academic record once the Writing Center staff certifies to the Registrar that the work to remove the “U” has been completed. If a student does not successfully complete the program to remove the “U” by the end of the semester after the “U” is received, the Committee on Academic Status will review the student’s records, which may result in academic dismissal. Seniors with “U”s on their record may not graduate until all “U”s are removed.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center, located in the R.W. Corns Building as part of the Sagan Academic Resource Center, provides professional tutorial instruction, writing practice, and evaluation/criticism for students needing to improve their writing skills to remove an unsatisfactory notation (“U”) from their academic records, or for their own satisfaction. The Writing Center is available without charge through referral by an instructor or through self-referral. Writing Center instructors work with problems of unity, organization, and development of short expository papers and with mechanical, syntactical, and stylistic problems at the sentence level. Furthermore, professors frequently refer students to the Writing Center for instruction on correct documentation and blending of sources. In addition, Writing Center instructors assist students with learning differences and international students in achieving writing competency. All students are tutored in the Center at times adjusted to their schedules, usually for one hour per week for as long as the students’ individual needs dictate. Students receiving a mid-semester “U” notation in any course are required to report to the Writing Center at the beginning of the second module, and must complete the program to remove the “U” by the end of the semester; students receiving a “U” notation at the end of a semester are required to report to the Writing Center at the beginning of the next semester and must complete the program to remove the “U” by the end of that semester. Failure to complete the tutoring program for clearing “U” notations may result in academic dismissal.
First-years may enroll in any of the one-hundred-level courses. Those who have exempted ENG 105 are encouraged to enroll in one of the one-hundred-level courses offered as an R-course.
For a list of ENG courses, see the alphabetical listing in Courses of Instruction .
Policy on Participation In Commencement
Students who have at least 32 total completed and in-progress units toward graduation at the Spring semester withdrawal deadline will be eligible to participate in commencement in May. One’s intention to participate in commencement must be stated on the Application for Graduation and submitted to the Office of the Registrar during the Spring semester of your junior year.
The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees
The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees have the same graduation requirements, except that the Bachelor of Arts degree requires that students complete a Bachelor of Arts major whereas the Bachelor of Science degree requires that students complete a Bachelor of Science major. In addition to the requirements above for all Ohio Wesleyan degrees, each candidate for the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science must complete or fulfill the following:
Unit Courses
Of the 34 graduation units, 31 must be full-unit courses or 1.25-unit courses. Modular (.50-unit) courses taken in the same discipline may be combined in pairs to count also as unit courses to fulfill graduation requirements. Modular courses taken in different disciplines may not be combined to count as unit courses, but instead will be counted in the three units of fractional courses that may count toward graduation. Credit for a maximum of two units (eight courses) in physical education activity courses, including varsity sports, may be earned and applied to the 34 units required for graduation. (Such courses are designated on the course schedule with prefix ACTV or VAR and 0 as the first digit of the course number.) If more than eight activity courses (two units) are completed, credit for subsequent courses will not be awarded and grades for such courses will not be included in term or cumulative GPA calculations. Credit for a maximum of two units in music ensemble courses may be earned and applied to the 34 units required for graduation. (Music ensembles are listed in this Catalog under Music .) If more than two units of music ensemble courses are completed, credit for subsequent courses will not be awarded and grades for such courses will not be included in term or cumulative GPA calculations.
At least 15 full-unit or 1.25-unit courses must be upper level (numbered 250 and above). To count toward the upper level course requirement, combinations of modular courses in the same discipline must be numbered 250 or above.
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science majors both provide students with exposure to the depth and breadth of their chosen field. Many departments and programs choose to exclusively offer Bachelor of Arts majors. These majors will prepare students for future academic and professional activities in the major’s discipline. Some departments and programs, typically in the natural or social sciences, choose to offer both a Bachelor of Arts major and a Bachelor of Science major. In departments or programs that offer both, the Bachelor of Science major will typically have greater depth and a stronger emphasis on preparing students for more advanced study in the field. This increased depth may take the form of an increased number of required courses in the area, an increased number of required cognate courses, or a different selection of courses or experience in the area than is required for the Bachelor of Arts major.
Students must complete a major as defined by a department or approved program, including approved interdisciplinary majors and programs, with at least a C average (2.00). For majors in a particular discipline, this average will be computed using grades for all courses for the major and grades for all additional courses in the major discipline. For interdisciplinary majors, grades for all courses required for the major and for additional courses taken that could have been used to fulfill major requirements will be used.
Students must declare a major when they achieve junior status, although they are free to do so prior to that time. (Students who have earned 15 units are considered juniors for the purposes of registration.) Until they declare a major, juniors will have a hold placed on their registration. Students who do not meet the requirements for their desired major by the deadline should declare their intention to major by selecting the conditional major option. Once declared, students can easily change their major.
Requirements for a major may range from a minimum of eight to a maximum of 15 full-unit or 1.25-unit courses including required cognates and prerequisites. No more than 13 courses in a single discipline (English, mathematics, computer science, French, as examples) and no more than 17 courses within a single department (Mathematics and Computer Science, as examples) may be counted in the 34 units required for graduation. For these computations, two half-unit modules in the same discipline and each 1.25-unit course will count as the equivalent of a single course. Service or activity courses are not included in the calculations.
- Because of state licensure requirements, students majoring in education may exceed the 15-unit maximum in the major, the 13-course limit in a single discipline, and the 17-course limit in a single department.
- Because Geography (a social science) and Geology (a natural science) are housed in one department, students who double-major in Geography and Geology may exceed the 17-course limit within one department.
Completion of a major may include a capstone experience such as independent study or research, seminar participation, or creative work or performance. The appropriateness and nature of such an experience is determined by each department or program.
Graduating students who complete both a Bachelor of Science major and a Bachelor of Arts major may choose whether they receive a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science degree. Students should notify the Registrar of their choice by end of the fall semester of their senior year.
Minors (Optional)
Students also may select one or more minors in departments or programs that have defined such tracks. A minor will consist of no less than five and no more than seven courses. A student may not major and minor in the same discipline. Courses taken on a credit/no entry basis may be counted in the minor at the discretion of the department or program under which the minor is offered. Students must maintain at least a C average (2.00) in their minor program(s). For minors in a particular discipline, this average will be computed using grades for all courses required for the minor and grades for all additional courses in the minor discipline. For interdisciplinary minors, grades for all courses required for the minor and for additional courses taken that could have been used to fulfill minor requirements will be used.
Foreign Language Competency
To be certified as competent in a foreign language (Chinese, French, German, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Swahili, and/or any other foreign language currently listed in the Catalog), students may meet the requirement in one of two ways:
- Standardized Testing. Distinguished performance on one of the following standardized tests of foreign language ability will result in exemption from the foreign language requirement:
- A score of 630 or higher on a foreign language SAT-II subject test of the College Entrance Examination Board. (A score of 460 places a student in the second semester of the language.)
- A score of 3 or above on the Advanced Placement Examination in a foreign language.
- Course Completion. Students may also demonstrate competency by passing the second semester of the beginning language (111). Students who have had three or more years of a foreign language on the secondary level, including the senior year, and who wish to fulfill the competency requirement with that language normally register for 111 or above, but must take the placement test at Ohio Wesleyan to verify placement level. This test is given during New Student Orientation or StART.
Students who elect language courses with numbers lower than their placement level will not receive graduation credit for those courses, although the grades will count in their semester and cumulative averages. Courses to meet the foreign language competency requirement may not be taken credit/no entry.
International students whose native language is not English are exempt from the foreign language competency requirement.
Heritage speakers, nomad students, and/or those students whose native language is not English and is not offered at OWU, but who finished high school in the U.S. still need to complete the foreign language competency. Even then, in such cases where a student is interested in being exempt from the foreign language competency requirement, the student will need to verify Foreign Language Proficiency. The Department of Modern Foreign Languages recommends that such students take the ACTFL Oral and Writing Proficiency Assessment test. For more information, contact the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and visit:
Ohio Wesleyan’s requirement of competence in foreign language learning is consonant with longstanding expectations in the liberal arts and with the University’s avowed aim to equip “students with knowledge, competence, and character for leadership, service, and continued learning in a complex and increasingly global society.” In rare instances, a student with a thoroughly documented and legally qualified disability MAY be able to substitute non-language courses for this requirement. Such substitutions require prior approval by the Academic Status Committee of the faculty and are granted only in cases where the functional limitations of a specific learning disability pertain directly to, and preclude, the learning of a foreign language. Exemption from a secondary school language requirement is NOT, by itself, grounds for approval at the college level. To explore whether you qualify for this substitution, contact the coordinator of Learning Disability Services during your first semester on campus. This decision will NOT be made before the student matriculates at the college.
Distribution Requirements
To ensure that students’ programs include exposure to a broad spectrum of disciplines, the University requires distributional study in the social and natural sciences, the humanities, and the arts.
In each of Groups I, II, and III, students must take three units. Within each Group, students must take courses from at least two different disciplines. In Group IV, students must take one course.
Exceptions: Majors in fine arts (with the exception of those concentrating in art history), music, health & human kinetics (with the exception of those majoring in nutrition), and theatre/dance fulfill distribution requirements by selecting two units from Groups I, II, and III, and one unit from IV (outside the major). Education majors in the Early Childhood Program should see the Education section for distribution requirements.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
For requirements supplemental to the Requirements for All Degrees section, see Fine Arts . Students wishing to major in an additional academic area may elect to complete either the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree or those for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
The Bachelor of Music Degree
For requirements supplemental to the Requirements for All Degrees section, see Music . Students wishing to major in an additional academic area must complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree as well.
Two Bachelor’s Degrees
Students may work toward two baccalaureate degrees, usually the Bachelor of Arts and a second degree. These students must complete at least 42 units of credit and all requirements for both degrees. The major areas of study in the two degree programs must be in different academic departments.
Combined Bachelor’s/Professional Degrees
The four-year baccalaureate program is the normal preparation for graduate and professional school. However, students with superior backgrounds and academic records may be permitted to plan “arts-professional” majors, combined-degree programs in which successful completion of the first year in professional school can apply toward the degree requirements.
To petition for admission to a combined-degree major, the student must have at least a 3.00 cumulative grade point average. He or she must complete at least 24 units of credit at Ohio Wesleyan before entering the professional school or certificate program. The University’s basic, distribution, and arts-professional major requirements must have been met. The petition must be filed with the Registrar and will be acted upon by the Academic Status Committee.
Students who meet all of the above requirements except the 3.00 average, and who matriculate with departmental approval in a professional school or certificate program, may petition the University faculty for special consideration. If the petition is approved, the student will be awarded the baccalaureate degree when awarded the professional diploma.
Arts-professional majors are interdepartmental and are described in the following chapter, Minors, under Combined-Degree Programs. They are offered in the following fields:
- Engineering Major - Aeronautical, Ceramic, Civil, Electronic, Environmental, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical, Nuclear
- Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Engineering (3-2) Program
- Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Ceramic, Pre-Engineering (3-2) Program
- Computer, Electrical Engineering Major
- Physics Major with Pre-Engineering Option (3-2 Program)
- Pre-Biomedical Engineering Major
These majors are essentially 4-1, 3-2, 3-1, or 3-11/2 programs. The 4-1 programs usually result in a baccalaureate degree from Ohio Wesleyan after four years, then a master’s degree from the professional school after one or more years. The 3-2 programs usually result in a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Wesleyan and a second degree from the professional school. The 3-1 or 3-11/2 programs usually result in a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Wesleyan and a second degree or certificate from the professional study.
Students who attempt arts-professional majors should read the statement before the major outline carefully, work closely with their advisors (major advisors are listed with the description), and be familiar with the admission requirements of one or more of the schools or certificate programs in which they are interested.
No courses in an arts-professional major may be taken credit/no entry.
Other Pre-Professional Programs
As stated above, the four-year baccalaureate program is the normal preparation for graduate or professional school. A thorough background in the liberal arts provides students with important knowledge of diverse disciplines and develops such abilities as clear, creative, and critical thought and effective oral and written expression.
To assist students whose plans include post-baccalaureate professional study in the seven fields below, Ohio Wesleyan also provides special programs with two principal components: (1) knowledgeable advisors who guide each student in constructing an appropriate course of study, in preparing for admission tests, and in applying to professional schools; and (2) curricula composed of the courses required by professional schools or the courses that have been most helpful in the past to students going on to advanced study in the particular field.
Pre-professional programs are interdepartmental and are described in Majors and Minors . They are offered in the following fields:
Other Interdepartmental Majors
In addition to the programs listed above, Ohio Wesleyan offers students the following interdepartmental majors. They are described in the following chapter, Majors and Minors , in appropriate alphabetical order:
Self-Designed Majors
Students with interests not readily accommodated within a standard departmental or interdepartmental major may create their own programs if they have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or better. Proposals have varied widely in nature. They may be topical (Ecology), regional (Russian or American Studies), or by period (Ancient World). Sample titles of self-designed interdisciplinary majors are “Social Ecology” and “Romance Languages and Literatures: A Comparative Study.”
It is expected that proposed self-designed programs will:
- Be substantially different from but no less rigorous than existing majors; and
- Reflect an emphasis consistent in breadth and focus with a liberal arts curriculum.
Instructions for preparing a self-designed major are available in the Academic Affairs Office (University Hall 107). Proposals normally should be filed there by April 1 of the sophomore year. Proposals from juniors will be considered only under exceptional circumstances; proposals from seniors will not be accepted.
The OWU Connection
In his essay, “Only Connect: the Goals of a Liberal Education,” historian William Cronon said, “More than anything else, being an educated person means being able to see connections that allow one to make sense of the world and act within it in creative ways.”
The OWU Connection is designed to provide multiple opportunities for students to cross boundaries and to discover how seemingly disparate areas relate and connect. Students will seek out and discover intellectual, personal, and global intersections. Having found these areas of intersection, the students will bring background, skills, confidence, and curiosity that will allow them to explore new paths. They will be positioned to ask penetrating, informed, and incisive questions, and to seek answers to those questions.
The OWU Connection comprises distinct curricular elements: UC 160 (The OWU Connection / First-Year Seminar); Travel-Learning Courses (TLC), and Student Individualized Projects (SIP). Up-to-date information about The OWU Connection is available at
Travel-Learning Courses
Travel-Learning Courses provide the opportunity for students to visit places that are relevant to the material being covered in the course. Most Travel-Learning Courses are offered in the spring semester, with travel occurring during spring break or in May, following the end of the semester. The University subsidizes a portion of the cost of the travel for students selected to participate. Students apply for Travel-Learning Courses in which they are interested and their applications are reviewed by the instructor in the course. The typical number of students in a course is about twelve. Recent Travel-Learning Courses have visited places as wide-ranging as Ireland, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and Italy.
For information about the specific courses being offered in the current academic year, visit the Travel-Learning Courses website (
Student Individualized Projects
Students at Ohio Wesleyan have a wide array of opportunities that allow them to delve more deeply into the subjects and experiences that interest them most, often related to their major. The nature of these opportunities varies from one discipline to another, but all provide a unique path for students to apply the knowledge they have gained in regular coursework. Examples of Student Individualized Projects (SIPs) include internships, apprenticeships, research, recitals, art shows, pre-service teaching, editorial work, independent studies, directed readings, and honors projects. Some SIPs receive academic credit; others do not. Some SIPs happen on campus; some take place on another continent. Some SIPs occur during the academic year, some during breaks, and others in the summer. For more information visit
Longstanding OWU programs, such as the Arneson Institute for Practical Politics and Public Affairs; The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship; The New York Arts Program; and the Summer Science Research Program provide ongoing opportunities. Many departments also have a long tradition of out-of-class experiences that enrich students’ preparation for graduate study and for careers. Departments have funds designated to assist students in conducting and reporting on their SIPs. In addition, the Theory-to-Practice Grant program provides a unique source of funding for projects that students design and implement themselves.
Sagan National Colloquium
Involving students, alumni, and faculty as well as noted speakers and artists, the Sagan National Colloquium is the public affairs series of Ohio Wesleyan University. Adopted or adapted by several other colleges and universities, the Colloquium spotlights an issue of enduring concern in the liberal arts as well as in public life—issues such as censorship and power, the role of the family, or gender and identity. Individually or in specially designated classes, faculty and students explore this issue from many angles, in the light of both liberal learning and of practical experience in the community, business, and public life.
Seeking to contribute to a national revitalization of civic education, the Colloquium reaffirms Ohio Wesleyan’s traditional commitment to value-centered education and helps to prepare participants for an active role in the life of the community and the nation.
Cross-Cultural Experience
In the belief that intercultural awareness is an important aspect of liberal education, Ohio Wesleyan offers students a wide variety of cross-cultural opportunities both on and off campus. About 10 percent of the student body is international, adding a rich multicultural component to both classroom and living experiences. Regular course offerings include African, Asian, Black world, British, European (ancient, medieval, and modern), Latin American, and Middle East area studies.
Students who wish to develop a major in a cross-cultural area should explore the programs in anthropology, Black world studies, history, international studies, modern foreign languages, religion, and women’s and gender studies. Others who wish to sample these areas should examine special on-campus housing options and off-campus study or apprenticeship opportunities and may wish to seek out elective or distribution courses that examine cross-cultural subjects.
Off-Campus Study Programs
Ohio Wesleyan provides opportunities for a wide variety of study and internship placements in off-campus locations. International and domestic study opportunities ranging from one semester to a full academic year are available to upper-class students. The various programs are an integral part of the University curriculum and are carefully selected to provide the student with both immersion in the local culture and a sound academic experience. Many international and domestic programs have been approved by the University for credit transfer (see examples listed below). Other programs are available but require prior approval by the Cross Cultural Programs Subcommittee. There are also summer international and domestic off-campus study and apprenticeship opportunities. Maximizing the benefits of off-campus study requires careful planning early in a student’s academic career. For additional information visit For eligibility requirements visit
Approval for Off-Campus Study
A student must go through the following steps to receive approval for off-campus study.
- Attend Off-Campus Programs information sessions and ROUND ONE and ROUND TWO meetings.
- CONSULT files and books in IOCP office (HWCC 213) and talk with returned students, program representatives, office assistants, et al.
- Complete OWU LEAVE APPLICATION including faculty recommendations, clearances, $50 fee, essay, transcript, judicial clearance, etc. by deadline.
- After receiving permission to study off-campus, complete Off-Campus PROGRAM APPLICATION for chosen program as well as course-planning, housing, and liability forms and submit to IOCP office by deadline.
- Programs not on this pre-approved list, require ad hoc approval by the Cross-Cultural Programs Committee. A non-standard program petition and complete supporting information must be submitted by the application deadline.
- IOCP communicates through the OWU Daily. Read it carefully and regularly.
- Consult the Ohio Wesleyan University Catalog for further information about Off-Campus Programs policies and procedures.
Remember that all application materials MUST flow through the IOCP Office at OWU. DO NOT apply directly to these or any other programs prior to approval from OWU. DO NOT apply to programs online.
Students are encouraged to attend information sessions and complete planning exercises in order to prepare themselves for their off-campus experiences.
Academic Credit for Off-Campus Study
Credit for approved programs will transfer if the work has been done satisfactorily (C- or better). All off-campus study grades are recorded, but do not affect a student’s grade point average. To assure normal progress toward the degree, it is necessary for each student to evaluate the amount of credit that will transfer to Ohio Wesleyan and to undertake a course of study that will meet both the student’s academic/intellectual interests and degree requirements. Students must complete academic planning exercises and course transfer pre-approval procedures prior to departure. Ohio Wesleyan students who attend an off-campus program without first being approved by the University to study off-campus will not receive transfer credit from such programs.
International Programs
Ohio Wesleyan operates programs abroad in addition to participating in the cooperative programs listed below, including GLCA-approved programs. For a complete list of approved programs, see
Ohio Wesleyan Programs
Cork, Ireland
Ohio Wesleyan students may study at University College Cork for either a fall or spring semester. Fall semester includes early start program in archaeology, ecology, economics, folklore, history, and literature. Both semesters offer a broad range of courses from most departments and programs at UCC. Contact Dr. Carol Neuman de Vegvar (Fine Arts).
Salamanca, Spain
Ohio Wesleyan is affiliated with the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. Qualified Ohio Wesleyan students may elect to study in this program during the fall term. Students live with Spanish families selected by the University of Salamanca. Courses taught in Spanish include Spanish language, literature, history, and art. They provide an excellent orientation to Spanish culture. Spanish majors and minors as well as students of international studies and international business commonly utilize this program to fulfill their study abroad requirements. Contact Glenda Nieto Cuebas (Modern Foreign Languages).
Tanzania, Africa
Ohio Wesleyan University in Tanzania. This program, based in Dar es Salaam, includes extensive study of African cultures, field experiences, and travel throughout Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. The program is loosely affiliated with the University of Dar es Salaam. Academic work for the program includes courses in East Africa Cultures; African Medical Systems; Women, Development, and the Environment; and Kiswahili. Students may participate in an internship with a professional social service or a research institution. Contact Dr. Randolph Quaye (Black World Studies), director of Ohio Wesleyan University in Tanzania.
GLCA-Approved Programs
The Border Studies Program is based in Tucson, Arizona, with travel seminars to Mexico and Guatemala. Contact Dr. Juan Armando Rojas (Modern Foreign Languages).
The China Program at Beijing, Nanjing, or Shanghai in the PRC or at Taipei in the ROC, offering one or two semesters of study of Chinese civilization and/or language. Contact Dr. Xiaoming Chen (History).
The Europe in Transition Program is a spring semester, comparative-studies, field-research program in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Germany. It explores the process of transition to a post-industrial, post-communist, European Union. Majors in politics, sociology, history, economics, humanities, arts, and other fields research their specific interests through seminars, lectures, field visits, and home-stays in these four countries. Contact Dr. Mark Gingerich (History).
The India/Nepal Program at Universities in Poona, Kathmandu, Varanasi, Madurai, or Waltair. Students learn Indian history, culture, religion, society, and languages—Marathi, Nepali, Hindi/ Urdu, Tamil, or Telugu. Contact Dr. Blake Michael (Religion).
The Japan Study Program at Waseda University in Tokyo, offering class instruction in English. (One semester of college Japanese or equivalent is required). Students may pursue a one- or two-semester program. Contact Dr. James Peoples (Sociology/Anthropology).
Ohio Wesleyan Affiliated Programs
Through special affiliation agreements and through exchange agreements, Ohio Wesleyan provides study abroad opportunities at several sites worldwide.
Heidelberg, Germany (Heidelberg College)
Tokyo, Japan (Aoyama Gakuin)
Osaka, Japan (Kansai Gaidai)
Ohio Wesleyan also approves for use by its students numerous other sites and programs administered by other universities or consortia. Among those commonly utilized are American Institute for Foreign Study, Arcadia University, Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Associated Colleges of the South, Australearn, Boston University, Butler University, Council on International Education Exchange, International Partnership for Service Learning, School for Field Studies, School for International Training, Syracuse University, and others.
Other Opportunities
Language study. In addition to the University’s own program in Spain, Ohio Wesleyan offers language study programs in several locations. German majors may spend a year or a semester in Heidelberg or Munich. Language programs also are available in China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, and elsewhere. All of these programs assist students in developing facility with the pertinent languages. Many of these add an employable skill for later work in law, health, education, journalism, or public service, either internationally or in the ethnic areas of cosmopolitan America.
Topical programs. Besides language-based programs, Ohio Wesleyan provides a number of programs abroad in which little or no foreign language background is required. These programs are conducted in English, though in some cases concurrent language training is required because of the fundamental role of language in any culture. Topical themes are available in Brussels, Belgium (European economic community); Wroxton, England (Shakespeare); Geneva, Switzerland (international economics); selected European countries (women’s studies); London, England (comparative politics); and Tokyo, Japan (international politics, economics, and business).
Note: Students normally are not permitted to study at another American college or university during the academic year. Certain American programs have been authorized, however, such as those that follow.
Domestic Programs
Black Colleges Exchange. One semester exchange programs are available for study at historically important, predominantly black Spelman College or Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact Darrell Albon (International and Off-Campus Programs).
Ohio Wesleyan Programs
Wesleyan in Washington. Apprenticeship opportunities in governmental and quasi-governmental agencies in Washington, D.C. Students live in University-arranged apartments, complete one academic seminar, and receive credit for three units of supervised apprenticeship experience. Contact Dr. Sean Kay (Politics and Government).
GLCA-Approved Programs
New York Arts Program (NYAP). This program provides students seriously interested in dance, fine arts, music, theatre, and communications and media an opportunity to experience the world of the established professional artist in New York City. Juniors and seniors apprentice for a semester with a recognized producing artist. In addition, participants attend meetings on the arts and experience a broad range of events in the arts. Credits awarded for this apprenticeship program will not be counted in the major for the B.A., B.F.A., or B.M. degrees. Contact Ms. Cindy Cetlin (Fine Arts).
Philadelphia Urban Semester. This program provides opportunities to blend theory and experience in a professional, academic, and stimulating environment; to acquire understanding of various fields of work, and to identify and develop skills in those fields; to investigate and analyze a city as a system of human interaction; to examine and apply concepts and values of liberal arts education; and to develop intellectually, personally, socially, and responsibly in an urban environment. Contact Darrell Albon (International and Off-Campus Programs).
Oak Ridge Science Semester. This is a fall semester research seminar for superior upper-class students in the biological, mathematical, and physical sciences. It is held at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, allowing students to do research at the frontier of current knowledge. Contact Dr. John Gatz (Zoology).
Newberry Library Program. This program offers a thematic fall research seminar at this famous Chicago study center. The spring program provides monthly seminars of one credit each, again on changing themes. Contact Darrell Albon (International and Off-Campus Programs).
Affiliated Programs
American University Washington Semester. This program introduces politics and government majors to the resources and activities of the federal government.
Drew University United Nations Semester. This program provides a full-semester, detailed investigation of the U.N.
Apprenticeships and Internships
A variety of apprenticeship (or internship) opportunities, including several of the programs above, are available to qualified students of junior or senior status. Students will be charged regular tuition whether they are on- or off-campus during their apprenticeships.
Many students elect apprenticeships requiring full-time work, for which up to three units of credit may be earned; others spread their apprenticeships over one or more semesters while taking one, two, or three regular courses. A maximum of three apprenticeship credits (courses numbered 495) may be counted toward graduation; credits received for participation in any GLCA-approved program or the American University Washington Semester will be excluded from the three-unit limit. Students desiring to earn a fourth credit during the full-time apprenticeship must arrange for a concurrent independent study or directed reading (in an academic subject), either of which may be completed upon return to campus. Some departments will allow fewer than three units of apprenticeship credit as part of the curriculum required for a major.
Ohio Wesleyan students have been placed recently in business, government, museums, laboratories, social service agencies, art studios, radio and television stations, and administrative offices on campus. In order to prepare for the work experience, students normally take at least four pertinent background courses as a prerequisite.
The apprenticeship experience is evaluated and grades are issued by the supervising faculty in the relevant department. Unless specified by the department, the method of grading may be selected by the student from among the following options: (1) normal letter grade; (2) credit/no entry; or (3) satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Only in the apprenticeship program may more than one credit/no entry unit be taken in one semester. The method of grading agreed upon by the student and the supervising department will be specified in the apprenticeship contract accompanying the apprenticeship application. For B.A. degree students, credit for departmental apprenticeship programs will be counted in the 13-course maximum allowed in the major department (see Majors section).
General information on apprenticeships is available in the Office of Career Services and in the International and Off-Campus Programs Office. However, students must work out details with the appropriate academic department. Applications for full-time programs (three units in one semester) must be submitted to the International and Off-Campus Programs Office according to the following schedule:
Summer |
May 1 |
Fall semester |
February 1 |
Spring Semester |
September 15 |
Summer School
Ohio Wesleyan offers courses during one five-week session each summer beginning one week after Commencement. For information on courses offered and registration, contact the Office of Academic Affairs or the Registrar’s Office.