2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Fire Safety Policies

Ohio Wesleyan University takes fire safety very seriously.  Our fire safety procedures and policies are reviewed annually and equipment upgrades occur as necessary. Students are expected to know the fire safety procedures and policies and abide by them. Failure to comply with fire safety violations may result in fines and other action through a student conduct process.

Prohibited Conduct


Knowingly setting fire to or burning property. Arson is a felony offense and individuals found to have committed arson may be referred to local law enforcement.

Blocking Fire Exits and Hallways

Fire exits and hallways must remain clear of obstructions that might prevent or delay evacuation of a building during an emergency.

Destruction or Removal of Door Documents

Ohio State law requires all University residences to have a Fire and Safety document on the back of each door and must not be removed by residents of the space. 

Failure to Evacuate

When an alarm sounds, all occupants must immediately vacate the building.  This includes all residences and academic buildings.  Drills will be conducted periodically to ensure knowledge of evacuation procedures, and staff members will check rooms for compliance.

Flammable Materials and Prohibited Items

Students may not be in possession or using flammable materials. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Air conditioners, unless provided and installed by the University as a medical accomodation.

  • Air fryers.

  • Any appliance with an exposed heating element or hot surface: i.e.: electric frying pans/griddles/devices, hot plates, George Foreman Grills (or similar products).

  • Candles and incense: this includes candle warmers/electric potpourri pots/scented oil burners.

  • Corn poppers. May be used in SLU,  house, and apartment kitchens.

  • Crockpots.

  • Curtains for windows unless provided by the University.

  • Extension cords. An extension cord is a cord that plugs into an outlet on one end and receives a plug from an electrical appliance on the other end.

  • Fireworks.

  • False or live trees.

  • Fire pits (anything a fire can be built in/on).

  • Gasoline, paint thinners, lighter fluid, and lamp oils.

  • Halogen electronic products (e.g., lamps, etc.).

  • Space Heaters.

  • String lights, including LED lights, per International Fire Code (IFC) and Ohio Adminstrative Code (OAC). For any questions or clarifications, please contact studentconduct@owu.edu.

  • Sun Lamps.

  • Tapestries that are hung from the ceiling, cover lighting, or more than 40% of a wall.

  • Toaster ovens. Toasters may be used when used in SLU,  house, and apartment kitchens.

  • Wires, banners, flags, clothes, etc. may not hang out of the windows of residential facilities, hang from the ceiling, or cover light fixtures in a residential unit.

  • Mobile devices with lithium-ion batteries such as electric bicycles, electric scooters, and electric skateboards and hoverboards are not permitted inside any campus building for charging or storage.


Power strips/surge protectors are permitted under the following:

  • Large draw appliances, such as refrigerators, microwaves and blow dryers (hair dryers) cannot be plugged into power strips/surge protectors; they must be plugged directly into an outlet

  • Computers (PC’s and laptops), stereos, TVs can be plugged into a UL-approved power strip

  • Power strips/surge protectors should never be plugged into another device of the same type; they should be plugged directly into an outlet

Any appliance that is not expressly prohibited, but causes a nuisance by tripping electrical breakers will be deemed prohibited. 

Open Flames or Burning

The use or possession of open flame devices and the use of open flame effects shall be prohibited in all University owned or controlled property; burning of candles, sparklers, incense, paper leaflets, combustible figurines or pyrotechnic devices are prohibited on University property and is subject to confiscation.  

Theatrical performances and ritualistic ceremonies involving the use of open flames, smoke foggers, and barbecue grills must be pre-approved by the Office of Public Safety. The Office of Residential Life must also grant approval in cases that the ceremony is occurring in a residential space.

The University recognizes that open flames are being used for various reasons to accomplish objectives that may range from air quality enhancement to scientific laboratory experimentation. This policy is not intended to govern open flames being used for academic purposes in classrooms under the supervision of faculty or staff.

Residence Room Decorations

Hallway or room lights and light sensors are not to be covered at any time. No electrical wiring (e.g., light sets, extension cords, etc.) are to be placed on the exterior of the rooms, doors, or windows.


Room decorations may not cover more than 40% of a wall. Students may not use cardboard or boxes as decor on the walls. Tapestry or other coverings may not be placed on the ceilings or around windows.


Students may store microfridges under their bed as long as the bed is lofted and there is space between the bed and the fridge.

Tampering with Life Safety Equipment

Tampering with life safety equipment is strictly prohibited, this includes issuing a false alarm. Life safety equipment includes fire alarms, fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, and smoke detectors.