2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
    Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook

Chapter Four: Part-Time Faculty Personnel Policies

Chapter Four: Table of Contents

4.1        Academic Titles for Part-Time Faculty

4.2        Recruitment and Initial Appointment of Part-Time Faculty

4.2.1     Establishment of Need for Part-Time Faculty

4.2.2     Recruitment of Part-Time Faculty

4.2.3     Part-Time Faculty Rights and Privileges

4.2.4     Part-Time Faculty Contractual Duties and Responsibilities

4.3        Terms of Part-Time Faculty Appointments

4.3.1     Part-Time Instructors

4.3.2     Lecturers

4.3.3     Senior Lecturers

4.3.4     Approval of Appointments and Promotions

4.3.5     Course Assignments Contingent upon Need


This chapter is the official statement of policies, terms, responsibilities, duties, rights, and privileges pertaining to part-time faculty. It becomes a part of every part-time faculty member’s contract of employment. Part-time faculty are subject to the provisions of Chapter Three of the Faculty Handbook only as indicated herein. Part-time faculty shall be familiar with and abide by the policies and procedures of this Chapter Four.


4.1    Academic Titles for Part-Time Faculty

Part-time faculty members are appointed on a part-time contractual basis, teaching less than a normal faculty teaching load. To be appointed to a part-time faculty position, an individual must meet the minimum faculty qualifications as defined in Chapter Three, Section 3.4.5  of this Handbook.

The academic titles approved by the University for part-time faculty include Part-Time Instructor, Part-Time Lecturer, and Part-Time Senior Lecturer. Part-time faculty are temporary employees employed only on part-time contracts and are not eligible for tenure.


4.2    Recruitment and Initial Appointment of Part-Time Faculty

4.2.1    Establishment of Need for Part-Time Faculty

Before any part-time faculty can be appointed to teach, the department(s) seeking faculty for part-time teaching must have submitted to the Provost and received approval of a statement of need for part-time support for the semester or term the appointment will cover. The Provost (or the Provost’s designee) must approve the position.

4.2.2    Recruitment of Part-Time Faculty

When the Provost authorizes a part-time faculty position, the procedures published in the Faculty Search Guide shall be generally employed, except that advertisement may be limited to a regional search provided that a suitable pool of applicants is obtained in keeping with the University’s policy as an Equal Opportunity Employer. In addition, the Department Chair may modify the usual recruitment and appointment procedures due to time constraints, provided that a suitable pool of qualified and diverse candidates is obtained.

All initial part-time appointments are made to Part-Time Instructorships.

4.2.3    Part-Time Faculty Rights and Privileges

Part-time faculty have the rights and privileges as specified below:

1.     Right to attend Faculty meetings with voice, but without vote.

2.     Right to academic freedom and free expression (Section 3.5.1 ).

3.     Right to attend University ceremonies.

4.     Right to notification of reasons for dismissal for adequate cause, if requested and the dismissal occurs prior to the termination date of their contracted services.

5.     Right to have their professional performance evaluated based on intervals set forth in Section 4.3 below.

4.2.4    Part-Time Faculty Contractual Duties and Responsibilities

In addition to the teaching duties and other responsibilities stated in the part-time faculty member’s individual appointment contract and Chapter Four of this Faculty Handbook and its subsections, Part-Time Faculty shall fulfill the following responsibilities:

1.     Foster the mission and aims of the mission of Ohio Wesleyan University.

2.     Follow all academic policies published in the Catalog and meet deadlines for the submission of syllabi, course grades, etc.

3.     Maintain and assess student learning in accordance with existing University policies and procedures.

4.     Make appropriate accommodations for students relating to disabilities disclosed in accordance with University policies.

5.     Adhere to the prevailing ethical standards of the faculty member’s discipline(s) or professional organization(s).

6.     Adhere to the Standards of Professional Conduct set forth in Section 3.5  of the Faculty Handbook including, but not limited to, knowing and adhering to University and department policies and procedures applicable to them, provided they do not contravene academic freedom. Such policies and procedures include, but not are not limited to, those published in this Chapter Four of the Faculty Handbook, the Employee Manual, and the University Catalog.


4.3    Terms of Part-Time Faculty Appointments18

4.3.1    Part-Time Instructors    Appointment

The initial appointment of a Part-Time Instructor by the Provost will be for the duration of a semester. Additional semester appointments may follow.    Compensation

Part-Time Instructors are paid per unit (course) pursuant to a salary scale approved by the Board of Trustees and published by Academic Affairs. Part-Time Instructors are eligible for individual professional development account funds on a per-course basis at the established rate after having completed the teaching of eight course units.

In addition, Part-Time Instructors may be eligible for other benefits as determined by University human resource policy and any applicable benefit plans.    Evaluation

In their second year of teaching, Part-Time Instructors will be reviewed by the home Department Chair, in consultation with individual’s Program Director as applicable, on the basis of the quality of their teaching only, utilizing the teaching criteria set forth in Section 3.9.1 . Part-Time Instructors are assumed to have teaching duties only (i.e., no advising, committee service, or other obligations). A summary of the review process and findings will be filed and maintained in the Provost’s office.

Departmental reviews will be repeated at two-year intervals for each Part-Time Instructor, and reports of each review will be filed in the Provost’s office. The schedule for review may be adjusted only by departmental application to the Faculty Personnel Committee. Student course evaluations must be distributed for every course a Part-Time Instructor teaches.    Promotion

In the sixth year and after completion of 12 regular units of teaching, Part-Time Instructors may apply to the Provost for promotion to Part-Time Lecturer by submitting a teaching dossier to the Department Chair for distribution to the department faculty. A summary of the department(s) review process will be filed and maintained in Academic Affairs. Such application will be considered only if the relevant department has submitted to the Provost a statement of need for continued part-time support covering the term for which appointment is sought and the Provost (or Provost’s designee) has approved the position.

Candidates for promotion to Part-Time Lecturer will be evaluated by the faculty of the home department(s), in consultation with individual’s Program Director as applicable, on the basis of their teaching utilizing the evaluation criteria set forth in Section 3.9.1 . In difficult evaluation cases or conflicts of interest (such as if the chair’s spouse has been hired to teach in the department), the home department may consult with the Faculty Personnel Committee.

If promotion is recommended by the department(s) and approved by the Provost, candidates will be granted Part-Time Lecturer status. If promotion is not granted by the Provost, Part-Time Instructors may, with the support and approval of the department(s) needing part-time support, continue to receive semester appointments and may seek promotion to Part-Time Lecturer after their next departmental review.

4.3.2    Lecturers    Appointment

If promotion to Part-Time Lecturer is granted, the faculty member will maintain the rank of Part-Time Lecturer until such time as the individual is promoted to Part-Time Senior Lecturer pursuant to Section, even if there is a break in service at Ohio Wesleyan University or a four-year term is not granted. Upon promotion, the Part-Time Lecturer will normally have assignment priority over Part-Time Instructors. They also may expect, contingent upon need for part-time faculty as explained in 4.3.5 below, a minimum of two units of teaching per year for a two-year term. Assignments may take into consideration seniority within level, with preference normally given to those with higher seniority. However, in all instances, the determination of course assignments and the number of teaching units per year will be determined on the basis of department and University need, program integrity, and expertise (see 4.3.5 below).

During the second year of the initial two-year appointment as a Part-Time Lecturer, the faculty member may apply for a four-year term. Following review, the Department Chair, in consultation with the department faculty, will issue a recommendation to the Provost, who shall make the final decision. If an initial four-year term is approved by the Provost, Part-Time Lecturers may apply for renewal of their terms every four years.

Renewal applications will be considered only if the relevant department(s) has submitted to the Provost a statement of need for continued part-time support covering the term for which appointment is sought and the Provost (or Provost’s designee) has approved the position. If the statement of need is not approved by the Provost (or Provost’s designee), Part-Time Lecturers will be eligible to continue to teach on a semester-by-semester basis as Part-Time Lecturers; they may reapply for a four-year term at the end of the second year following the non-approval. If the statement of need is approved and renewal of the four-year term is not granted, Part-Time Lecturers will be eligible to teach on a semester-by-semester basis at their current rank.    Compensation

At the time of promotion, Part-Time Lecturers can expect an increase in their base salary. Part-Time Lecturers are paid per unit (course) pursuant to a salary scale periodically approved by the Board of Trustees and published by Academic Affairs. They are eligible for merit increases every two years (see below) if University resources permit.

Individual professional development account funds will continue. In addition, Part-Time Lecturers may be eligible for other benefits as determined by applicable human resource policy and any applicable benefit plans.    Evaluation

The department will review Part-Time Lecturers for a merit-based salary increase every two years based on the quality of their teaching responsibilities pursuant to the criteria in Section 3.9.1 , which may include student advising. A summary of the department review process will be filed and maintained in Academic Affairs. In difficult evaluation cases or conflicts of interest (such as if the chair’s spouse has been hired to teach in the department), the department may consult with the Faculty Personnel Committee.

The department’s written evaluation and recommendation for merit is submitted to the Provost, who makes a final decision on the merit increment utilizing the same criteria above.

A discretionary review of a Part-Time Lecturer may be initiated by the department at any time. Part-Time Lecturers must distribute student course evaluations for every class they teach.    Promotion

During the sixth year as a Part-Time Lecturer and upon completion of 12 regular units of teaching at the level of Lecturer, Part-Time Lecturers may apply to the Provost for promotion to Part-Time Senior Lecturer by submitting a teaching dossier to the Department Chair for distribution to the department faculty. A summary of the department review process will be filed and maintained in Academic Affairs. Such application will be considered only if the relevant department has submitted to the Provost a statement of need for continued part-time support covering the term for which appointment is sought and the Provost (or Provost’s designee) has approved the position.

Candidates for promotion to Part-Time Lecturer will be evaluated by the faculty of the home department, in consultation with individual’s Program Director as applicable, on the basis of their teaching utilizing the evaluation criteria set forth in Section 3.9.1 . In difficult evaluation cases or conflicts of interest (such as if the chair’s spouse has been hired to teach in the department), the department may consult with the Faculty Personnel Committee.

If promotion is recommended by the department and approved by the Provost, candidates will be granted Part-Time Senior Lecturer status. If promotion is not granted by the Provost, Part-Time Lecturers may, with the support and approval of the department needing part-time support, continue to receive semester appointments and may seek promotion to Part-Time Senior Lecturer after their next departmental review.

4.3.3    Senior Lecturers    Appointment

If promotion to Part-Time Senior Lecturer is granted, the faculty member will maintain the rank, even if there is a break in service at Ohio Wesleyan University or a four-year term is not granted. Upon promotion, the Part-Time Senior Lecturer normally will have assignment priority over Part-Time Instructors and Lecturers and may expect, contingent upon need for part-time faculty, as explained in 4.3.5 below, a minimum of two units of teaching per year for a four-year term. Assignments may take into consideration seniority within level, with preference given to those with higher seniority. However, in all instances, the determination of course assignments and the number of teaching units per year will be determined by Academic Affairs on the basis of need, program integrity, and expertise (see 4.3.5 below).

If the statement of need is not approved by the Provost (or Provost’s designee), Part-Time Senior Lecturers will be eligible to continue to teach on a semester-by-semester basis as Part-Time Senior Lecturers; they may reapply for a four-year term at the end of the second year following the non-approval. If the statement of need is approved and renewal of the four-year term is not granted, Part-Time Senior Lecturers will be eligible to teach on a semester-by-semester basis at their current rank.    Compensation

At the time of promotion, Part-Time Senior Lecturers can expect an increase in their base salary depending on the available resources of the University. Part-Time Senior Lecturers are paid per unit (course) pursuant to a salary scale periodically approved by the Board of Trustees and published by Academic Affairs. They are eligible for merit increases every two years (see Section below) if University resources permit.

Individual professional development account funds will continue. In addition, Senior Lecturers may be eligible for other benefits as determined by University human resource policy and any applicable benefit plans.

Senior Lecturers will be eligible to apply for all internal grants for which they are eligible.    Evaluation

The department will review Part-Time Senior Lecturers for a merit-based salary increase every two years based on the quality of their teaching responsibilities pursuant to the criteria in Section 3.9.1 , which may include student advising. In difficult evaluation cases or conflicts of interest (such as if the chair’s spouse has been hired to teach in the department), the department may consult with the Faculty Personnel Committee. A summary of the department(s) or program(s) review process will be filed and maintained in Academic Affairs. Time spent on leave is not counted toward the merit evaluation period.

The department’s written evaluation and recommendation for merit is submitted to the Provost, who makes a final decision on the merit increment utilizing the same criteria above.

A discretionary review of a Part-Time Senior Lecturer may be initiated by the department(s) or Provost at any time.

Part-Time Senior Lecturers must distribute student course evaluations for every class they teach.

4.3.4    Approval of Appointments and Promotions

All appointments and promotions of part-time faculty must be approved by the Provost.

4.3.5    Course Assignments Contingent upon Need

While the University will attempt to hire and promote the number of part-time faculty who will, to the extent possible, allow for faculty members to teach two courses per year, the number of courses assigned to specific individual Part-Time Instructors, Lecturers, and Senior Lecturers is contingent upon the availability of a sufficient number of courses to be taught by part-time faculty allocated to a department by the Provost. In the event that circumstances such as staffing changes, enrollment changes, programmatic changes, or budgetary constraints reduce the number of courses available for staffing by part-time faculty, as determined by and at the discretion of the Provost, courses will be assigned to part-time faculty on the basis of need, program integrity, and expertise, taking into consideration current level and seniority within level.

Footnotes In This Chapter

[18] The provisions of this section do not necessarily apply to a person on full-time administrative appointment who holds faculty rank and teaches less than a full load.