2024-2025 Faculty Handbook 
    Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Faculty Handbook


Appendix A: Faculty Personnel Forms

  1. Self-Report Form

  2. Tenure Narrative

  3. Peer Teaching Observation Reviews

  4. Peer Evaluations

  5. Student Board Evaluations

  6. Alumni Evaluations

  7. Course Evaluations


Appendix B: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

Current Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy of Ohio Wesleyan University 


Appendix C: Policy Statement on Appointment of Librarians20

Librarians make a significant contribution to the educational program and general academic life of a university. They have an important responsibility for developing library collections, for bibliographical control over these collections, for informing students about library resources and uses, and for advising faculty in the use of the collection. They answer questions, compile bibliographies, and strive to improve library processes and practices. Their work involves high-level skills of communication, analysis, organization, and follow-through, among others. It requires trained intelligence and graduate professional education.

Given the close involvement of librarians in support of faculty teaching and student learning, University librarians (i.e., staff members doing work that requires professional education in the theoretical and scientific aspects of librarianship, archives, or information studies) and other professional librarian staff (i.e., staff performing professional level tasks who, though not librarians, have equivalent education and training in related fields – e.g., computer sciences, business administration, education) at the University who are assigned formal teaching responsibilities are afforded voting privileges at Faculty meetings and are eligible for election to Faculty standing committees. In addition, these individuals may use the appropriate appeal process in the Faculty Handbook for cases involving alleged violations of their academic freedom.

Because the duties and responsibilities of librarians are significantly different in important respects from those of the classroom faculty, appointments of librarians will not necessarily be governed by the terms and conditions applicable to classroom faculty, but will, except as explicitly noted herein, be governed by those of the nonfaculty professional staff of the University. In addition to membership in the faculty body as noted above, the following special terms and conditions will be applicable to librarians.

  1. Performance appraisals of University librarians and other professional librarian staff will make use of the general staff evaluation process implemented by the Office of Human Resources. Using the information from this process and consulting with the Director of Libraries, except when the Director’s own case is involved, the Provost shall make final personnel recommendations to the President.
  2. A librarian may be the instructor of record for credit-bearing student work upon approval of the Provost, who will make an appropriate appointment on the recommendation of the department or program that has responsibility for the course(s) involved. On the recommendation of the Faculty Personnel Committee, this appointment may be a continuing departmental “courtesy appointment.” In other cases, it will be for the academic term of the course(s) involved.
  3. A librarian may use the appropriate appeal process in the Faculty Handbook for allegations of violations of academic freedom.

[20] The policies described do not apply to librarians who have been appointed as faculty librarians before the 1982-1983 academic year. The term “librarian” in this policy statement refers to all other professional librarians, professional library staff with graduate library degrees.