Employee Handbook and Guide (11/2024) 
    Mar 30, 2025  
Employee Handbook and Guide (11/2024)

University Overview

Ohio Wesleyan University is a national liberal arts university with a philosophy and curriculum that directly connect traditional liberal arts with international and practical experience. Founded in 1842, Ohio Wesleyan is remarkable for the depth of its academic and pre-professional programs, the international dimension of its curriculum, its focus on community through leadership and service, and its unwavering commitment to linking theory and practice in a global context and in every field of study.

Ohio Wesleyan’s charter provides that “the University is forever to be conducted on the most liberal principles, accessible to all religious denominations, and designed for the benefit of our citizens in general.” In the spirit of its heritage, the University defines itself as a community of teachers and students devoted to the free pursuit of truth. It develops in its students’ qualities of intellect and character that will be useful no matter what they choose to do in later life. Ohio Wesleyan judges itself successful when it has accomplished three objectives in its work with students:

To impart knowledge. Ohio Wesleyan offers students the chance to participate in an ongoing dialogue about society’s cultural past, in the belief that a liberal education communicates what great minds have thought, great artists have created, and great leaders have done. Also included in this aim is new knowledge  creation;  a  liberal  education  communicates  what  is  being  acquired  on  the  frontiers  of contemporary inquiry and current advances of the human spirit. The objective of imparting knowledge begins with the conviction that it is intrinsically worthwhile to possess the knowledge and insight transmitted through the humanities, arts, and sciences.

To develop and enhance certain important capabilities of students. As they progress through the curriculum of the University, students secure the foundation skills of reading, writing, and quantitative analysis. They build on these skills the capacity to think critically and logically, to employ the methods of the different fields of inquiry, and to understand the symbolic languages used to codify and communicate knowledge in today’s society. They may develop aesthetic sensibilities or creative talents in several fields. Many students learn to integrate theory with practice by preparing for careers within various disciplines and through pre-professional and professional programs.

To develop in students understanding of themselves, appreciation of others, and willingness to meet the responsibilities of citizenship in a free society. A liberal education recognizes that trained sensitivity to private and public value issues, grounded in a sound grasp of various cultural heritages, is important for maturation and for living a good life. It accords high honor to intellectual honesty. Consistent with the University’s Methodist tradition, Ohio Wesleyan encourages concern for all religious and ethical issues and stimulates its students to examine their own views in light of these issues.